The Dreaded SuSE Connection Failure

I went down to my computer this evening to discover that clicking the mouse no longer did anything, rebooted...and found myself saddled with an infuriating bug a few SuSE (and possibly other distro) users have been encountering.  In it, the wireless adapter can see other routers, but attempting to actually connect to them basically stalls out and fails. Same happened no matter whether I told it to use Network Manager or the traditional ifup approach.

I remembered that much of the problem is that SuSE forgets that it's supposed to access the network through a router. I looked up the "route" commands in the must-own Linux Phrasebook, and managed to at least connect to the router this way:
ifdown eth1 && ifup eth1
route add -net default gw my-router's-IP-here dev eth1

That let me access things that use an IP, like most Internet radio stations, but it didn't let me access anything that required a site name.  Well, at least now I didn't have to drain the batteries on my iRiver H10 to have something to listen to...

I returned to the proverbial drawing board and opened the YaST Network Settings, which I experimented with for a painfully long time.  Arrgh. Eventually, I discovered that I could get online with these settings -- each boldfaced & underlined area is a tab in Network Settings, italics is the name of something to change:
Global Options: Network Setup Method is Traditional
Overview: click on Edit for your adapter, go to the Address tab:
Choose "Statically assigned IP Address"
IP Address:, Subnet Mask: /24, Hostname: your pick
Click Next to get to Wireless Device Settings, click "Expert". Set Access Point to your router's name, Power Management: off, AP ScanMode 2. Click "OK", then "Next".
Hostname/DNS: Hostname & Domain: your pick, Name Server 1: your router's IP**
Routing: Default IPv4 Gateway: your router's IP, Device: -, Enable IP Forwarding ON

**If you don't know your router's IP, it almost certainly begins with 192.168.1 and after another period, has either a 0 or a 1.  If one doesn't work, try the other!

I'm sure that some (possibly most) of the settings I've specified have nothing to do with fixing the problem, but those are the certainly-not-default ones I altered.  Hopefully this will help somebody else frantically searching the web for help through another computer/distro, since I didn't find a whole lot that was useful last I looked.

I need therapy. No, really...

Well, in upbeat news, I just finished sending a description of the main blogging/journal sites to someone on a local YahooGroup looking to get into it.  I now realize that I completely forgot what abilities the "compose" windows offer, like that Blogger acts like a word processor while some others (LJ?) require the user to manually type the HTML code in... Oops.

The past several days have left me so stressed that I'm amazed I can think at all...  We suddenly lost a seemingly-healthy cat without warning over the weekend, then another (that had at least been sick with renal failure for a while) crashed permanently on Monday. We're both now terrified that something in the house is causing this nightmare and will steal another one of our beloved kitties... Especially since another one had a seeming seizure in early July, and another died in March of abnormal renal failure. I dealt with it today by driving to Target and wandering around grabbing things we needed, then throwing myself into computer stuff after I finally got home. 

Damn, I intended to write a negative review on Cat Hospital of P--- and forgot... We called over there while IN the car, said our cat needed to be seen immediately and driving to another city wasn't an option as it was an emergency; they refused to see her anyway, and when Mom asked if they could please recommend another place, the receptionist said "nope" in a tone clearly conveying she was too bored by the request to bother looking or asking or anything. It's not the first time we've had that kind of rude experience with them, but I'd read that cat hospitals are the best in an emergency, so I gave it another go.

I also need to write a good review for Central Animal Hospital, which treated us very kindly when we showed up unannounced, and handled every step of the nightmare that way.  I hate the outcome, but I don't think anyone else could have done better, either.

But I don't know, I don't know, I don't know what the fuck could be causing this, and that terrifies me beyond measure if I let myself think about it.  I normally don't believe in the "deaths come in threes" superstition, but maybe if I'm really lucky, it will turn out to be true so we won't have any more crashes.

It's about time for my medical stuff & bedtime, plus my anxiety is skyrocketing out of control, so I have to get moving... Anyone reading this, please keep my clowder (and my sanity) in your thoughts...